1. All members must fill in a Pre-Activity Questionnaire (PAQ) before using our club for the first time. If you are found to be moderate or high risk, we will ask you to give us medical clearance before you start training.

2. We recommended that you please check with your health care provider before you start a new exercise program. You should have a physical exam to see if you have any health risks.

3. You must have a photo taken to put against your account when signing up to a membership with Anytime Fitness. Please bring an OFFICIAL FORM OF ID when signing up. This can be your PASSPORT or ID DOCUMENT. Please also ensure you bring current payment details. We do not take cash payments for memberships, so you either need to provide BANK or VALID BANK CARD details to setup your membership with Anytime Fitness.

4. Please ensure that you take the time to warm up before exercise and cool down after your routine. You stand the chance of damaging your muscles or straining your heart if you don’t warm up.

5. If you begin to feel unwell and experience symptoms such as acute pain, dizziness, sudden headache, or chest pain, stop exercising immediately & inform a staff member. If no staff member is available, please use one of the emergency buttons located throughout the club.

6. Please inform your club if there are any changes in your medical condition that might affect your ability to train safely.

7. You may not under any circumstance let anyone else use your access tag to enter an
Anytime Fitness gym. If you do, your membership will be terminated automatically, and you will be nationally ban from Anytime Fitness.

8. You may not under any circumstances let anybody else into the club once you have entered. Our door monitoring system will take a photo if you tail gate someone in behind you. You will be fined R150 per person, repeat offenders will have their membership terminated and be nationally banned from Anytime Fitness.

9. Anytime Fitness staff and or management reserve the right of entry into a Anytime Fitness club.


1. Our club is open 24/7, please use the club safely at your discretion.

2. Pets (other than guide dogs) are not permitted in Anytime Fitness clubs.

3. Firearms or other weapons are not permitted in Anytime Fitness clubs.

4. Smoking and or vaping is not permitted anywhere on the club premises.

5. You may not take photos or videos of other members without their consent.

6. You may not bring alcohol or drugs into Anytime Fitness clubs.

7. You may not sell &/or market any product or service to other members while in Anytime Fitness clubs unless you have written authorisation from Anytime Fitness corporate management.

8. You consent to us using your image if taken during photo and or video shoots.

9. The use of Anytime Fitness’s logo and or name for promotional, marketing or advertising means is prohibited unless approved in writing by Anytime Fitness corporate management.

10. Facilities may vary from club to club depending on the size available.

11. Only liquid chalk is to be used in Anytime Fitness clubs.

12. Please return weights after use.

13. Do not steal any of the equipment, club items and or emergency items within the facility. We have 24-hour monitoring of our clubs, along with security and you will be reported to the police.

13. Do not steal any of the equipment, club items and or emergency items within the facility. We have 24-hour monitoring of our clubs, along with security and you will be reported to the police.

14. Do not use offensive language and do not act aggressive towards other members while training and in an Anytime Fitness facility.


1. You will be issued with an Anytime Fitness Access Tag/FOB Key when you join our club. You will not be permitted to access the club unless you have you access card with you. Should your access card be damaged or lost please notify the club immediately. You will have to pay for a replacement at full price if you lose your Anytime Fitness access tag.

2. All members must have their photograph taken when obtaining their access card. This is done during the sign-up process.

3. Unfortunately, you cannot enter our club if your membership fees are not up to date or if we have terminated, suspended, or frozen your membership. If your fees are not up to date, our operating system will block your membership automatically.

4. You may not under any circumstance let anyone else use your access tag to enter an Anytime Fitness gym. If you do, your membership will be terminated automatically, and you will be nationally ban from Anytime Fitness.

5. You may not under any circumstances let anybody else into the club once you have entered. Our door monitoring system will take a photo if you tail gate someone in behind you. You will be fined R150 per person, repeat offenders will have their membership terminated and be nationally banned from Anytime Fitness.


1. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when signing up. Our underage membership is for 15-17 years old’s.

2. The parent or guardian will need to sign an authorisation/waiver accepting responsibility for the minor having an Anytime Fitness membership and will be responsible for their membership fees and conduct within the facility. Valid payment details (credit card or bank account) must come from the parent or guardian to be put against the minor membership profile account.

3. Under 18 members must adhere to the same club rules as over 18 members.


1. A guest who would like to access the facility will be required to pay guest pass fee for the day.

2. Normal guest will pay guest fees, fill in guest register and provide a copy of their ID/Passport or driver’s license before entering the club.

3. All guests must be over 18 years of age.

4. Guests must adhere to all club rules and regulations, the same as Anytime Fitness members.


1. You may not enter the club or use the facilities while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or performance enhancing drugs.

2. You may not use foul, loud, or abusive language & must not be physically or sexually abusive toward, or harass other members, guests, visitors, tenants or members of staff and you shall not bring Anytime Fitness and Anytime Fitness members in disrepute or paint them in a bad light. Failure to comply can result in membership suspension and or termination.

3. Language that discriminates based on race, gender, sex, disability, social origin, or any other subject in our sole discretion will not be tolerated.

4. You will be liable to pay for any damages and or theft caused by you, your dependents, or guests while in the club.

5. Only one individual in a shower cubicle at a time.

6. Suitable & appropriate exercise clothing must be worn at all times while exercising in our facilities and closed training shoes must be worn at all times.

7. Please replace all equipment and weights where you found them.

8. Please use a towel at all times and wipe down equipment after use with cleaning items provided in club.

9. Please adhere to any government regulations Anytime Fitness clubs have to adhere to such as social distancing etc.


1. Lockers are provided in the change rooms to store your gear while you train (please bring your own padlock). We do not undertake that the use of a locker will guarantee that theft of, or damage to your property will not occur. Please check that your personal insurance policy covers you for loss of personal items. We do not accept responsibility for any loss or theft of money or damage to personal property of members or their guests whether locked in a locker or otherwise.

2. Do not leave your belongings unattended in the change rooms or anywhere else in the club at any time & report any lost items immediately. Anytime Fitness takes no responsibility for lost or misplaced items. The member accepts all responsibility.

3. Anytime Fitness Management reserves the right to open a locker (by force if necessary), if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that a locker is being used for storage of anything other than clothing or permissible personal belongings.

4. Any belongings left over night, will be removed & donated to charity within 14 days.


1. Please use the equipment for its intended purpose & follow the instructions provided.

2. Please inspect equipment before use and do not use equipment that appears damaged &/or inoperable or any component appears to be missing or damaged. Please alert Anytime Fitness staff if there is an issue.

3. Please report damage to equipment and or the club to a staff member. This can be done via email or directly in club.

4. When using strength equipment, make sure that the weight pin is completely inserted. Never pin the weight stack in an elevated position. Inspect all cables, straps and other connections.

5. Please do not use dumbbells or any other equipment, other than equipment specifically provided by the manufacturer, to incrementally increase weight resistance on strength equipment.

6. Ensure that the belt has come to a complete stop before stepping onto or getting off a treadmill.

7. Handle weights & equipment with care and replace after use. Do not drop or throw weights.

8. Please adhere to time limits if specified on equipment.

9. No food, drinks or bags allowed on the training floor, except for water bottles and sports drinks. If you do spill your water or sports drink, please wipe it up or alert the staff member.

10. Please always use a sweat towel and wipe equipment after use with cleaning products provided.


1. If you’re interested in getting a personal trainer, you will find all details on our Personal Trainer boards. You can contact them directly or ask at reception and they will put you in contact.

2. Only authorized Anytime Fitness Personal Trainers are permitted to provide Personal Training in our clubs. Personal Training by another member is not allowed whether it’s for payment or not. If we find someone providing unauthorized Personal training, our GM will investigate & you & the trainer may be suspended or permanently banned from Anytime Fitness.


1. Please do not tamper with emergency exit doors or any safety devices. This includes the emergency buttons throughout the club and the emergency board which includes the AED.

2. Please follow the health & safety notices displayed throughout the club.

3. Please take note of the emergency procedures. If there is an emergency, please always follow the staff’s instructions.

4. Please do not run in the club. Be aware of the different floor surfaces that you move across as you walk through the club. As ongoing cleaning & maintenance will be taking place, related tools & equipment may be hazardous & some floor surfaces may be wet, therefore slippery. Please proceed with caution.

5. Please report any injuries, incidents, or hazards to staff members. This can be done via email or directly to staff and or the security guard if after hours.

6. If you feel unsafe in an Anytime Fitness club due to another member/s please alert staff, security guard and or contact Anytime Fitness via email which can be found on our website. We will investigate and take the appropriate action.

7. We have emergency buttons throughout the club as well as an emergency board which is directly linked to emergency response units and a 24-hour monitoring control room.


All Anytime Fitness members (“Members”), guests, and those periodically visiting any Anytime Fitness gym (collectively referred to as “you”) acknowledge and agree that Anytime Fitness will not be liable for any harm, damage or loss of any nature whatsoever (including but not limited to death, injury, illness/sickness or patrimonial loss) and howsoever arising (including but not limited to arising as a result of negligence, gross negligence, and/or omission or breach of contract on the part of the Anytime Fitness, its directors, employees, contractors, independent consultants, agents, other Members and/or visitors) suffered by you or any minors under your care and control and accompanying you to the gym on the premises or as a result of using any facilities, equipment and services. You acknowledge and agree that Anytime Fitness gyms are entered into and exited entirely at own risk and that the equipment, facilities and services will be utilized at own risk. You acknowledge and agree that Anytime Fitness will not be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result theft by any person, including but not limited to Anytime Fitness employees, independent contractors, consultants, agents other Members and/or visitors. By becoming a Member of Anytime Fitness or by entering any Anytime Fitness gym, you (or your estate as the case may be) indemnify Anytime Fitness against any claim by any person arising, directly or indirectly, from any injury/sickness (including death), harm, loss or damage suffered by you, whether or not such injury/sickness (including death), harm, loss or damage was caused or contributed to by any act or omission of Anytime Fitness, its directors, employees, contractors, consultants, agents other Members and/or visitors or the use of the Anytime Fitness premises, facilities, equipment and services.


The COVID-19 virus has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization and is extremely contagious. Anytime Fitness has put in place reasonable preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID- 19 within its premises. However, Anytime Fitness cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending Anytime Fitness could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting COVID-19. By becoming an Anytime Fitness member, you voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your child(ren) may be exposed to or infected with COVID-19 by attending Anytime Fitness and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or death. You acknowledge and agree that you understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected with COVID-19 at Anytime Fitness may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself and others attending the Anytime Fitness premises and their families.